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Commercial classification vs Taxonomical classification

first commercial classification what is commercial classification well, Plants are classified according to the commercial purposes as Food crops, Industrial crops, Food adjuncts

for example


Food crops - cereals – Rice, wheat, maize, sorghum, ragi, Pulses, legumes, fruits, vegetables and nuts


Industrial crop - Cotton, Sugarcane, tobacco, groundnut, castor, gingelly, tapioca, etc.


Food adjuncts - No distinct demarcation – food and Industrial usage. spices and condiments, beverages and narcotics


Disadvantage: It is possible that one crop which has been included as a food crop may figure also as an industrial crop.


second Taxonomical classificationwhat is taxonomical classification well Taxonomical classification deals with the taxonomical aspects of classifying aspects of crops.

for example 


Advantage: understanding of the morphological characters of any particular family


Disadvantage: crops with different economic uses and morphological and other agro-botanical peculiarities when brought under one family do not generally bring out the economic importance of the individual crops.

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